Children’s Book Network News


Still in the same venue at Norfolk Place, CBN is welcoming even more children than ever this year, with additional help from volunteers and part time staff as well as the old trusted team. We thank them all. There is also a new squadron of the Teen Team – volunteers from Hermanus High School waiting to start duty at our next workshop on Saturday 7th March. Anyone interested to see us in action is welcome to drop in and see what is going on.

We still have a venue – what we don’t have is furniture for the classroom – tables or chairs, a carpet or two for children to sit on, or cushions. We do have some giant teddy-bears, donated by Rotary Stanford after the successful Bikers Toy Run last year. We could use a few more! Cuddling while reading is the way to go with our children.

Under the direction of Janine van Rooi, who is an associate board member and has worked with us for over six years, we have donated eight toolboxes (that were specifically funded by ZA-FM Public Interest Fund last year) to children’s organizations in Mitchell’s Plain. These reading toolkits condense our methods into a useful collection of books, ideas and inspiration. Toolboxes have also been donated to local schools. All together 23 reading toolboxes are now being used to help other groups of children. This is the method by which we can spread the methods that we know to work in the task of bringing children to books – and books to children. That’s what CBN is here for.

As part of a big funding drive beginning on 1 March, we would appreciate any contributions – small as well as big. (Enormous can also be accommodated.) It is a sad fact of life that finance is always the bottom line. We can do more for our children with strong support from their friends.

If you would like to make a donation to Children’s Book Network, here are our details:

Account name: The Children’s Book Network Trust
First National Bank, Tokai Branch 200409
Account Number: 62570 830 458 (cheque account)
Donations are tax exempt. We are registered with SARS as a Not for Profit organization(NPO)and all our required paperwork and due diligence is complete. Please contact us if you need more information: