Spring Workshops 2017 – 3&4 October



This project started on 24 September with an introduction to the ideas of place and person – who I am and where I live – and will continue until after the summer workshops.

Tuesday 3 October

Introducing me!

Wednesday 4 October

My place


Nash will begin the workshop with introductions and an ice-breaker game. By now many of the children who attend are familiar with the pattern of workshops and not so intimidated.

Lesley will proceed with readings from children’s writing and from:
My Story Our Stories by Grade 7 learners
Into the Forest by Anthony Browne
Nicholas and the Wild Ones

There will be three groups after activities done together:

• Quiet reading – supervised by community helpers

• Identity kits – Nash will work on badges, folder photographs and star diagrams of how each child sees themselves.

• Lesley will write with the children on how they see themselves and their lives


In this we will focus more on the landscape of the place where the children stay (Stanford North). We will begin with drawings of the house and proceed to the street and then the village. (We have a map from Municipality.)

Activities will include

• Chalk drawing of streets on concrete
• Producing a sketch map and identifying important points
• Drawing of each child’s house
Objectives: By the end of this workshop, each participant will have a folder with their photograph on the cover, some written work and some sketch-maps and drawings ready to begin when Saturday workshops continue the project.