Zeb! Super-Book-Hero


CBN has created our own super hero – Zeb, Super-Book-Hero! With text by Lesley Beake and illustrations by Vian Oelofsen, Zeb leads the way throughout the themed boxes.

Zeb is already a reader – in fact his mother tries to get him to: ‘STOP READING and get some sleep!’ But when Zeb finally sleeps, he finds himself flying through space, under frosty-cold stars, through a door that appears in the sky (a library door) and into books that relate to the theme – the Super-Books.

Extracts from these books will be reproduced (with permission) from the writers and publishers. They will challenge, delight and excite the children who hear them read aloud. We are choosing the Super-Hero-Books books from the best of the best – in South Africa and in the world.

Zeb Super-book-Hero and extracts the Super-Hero books will be bound in a handbook that will also have ideas, puzzles, games and activities for every session.

The illustration shows Vian creating live illustrations for Zeb (on an iPad using a data projector), in front of an audience of teacher-librarians and centre for the Book, Book Club members.

Number of Zeb, Super-Book Hero books (3 – one per theme)
Number of Super-Books (10 different box in each theme) 

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