CBN Themes for 2014


During our first two years, we continued to explore the theme of Home – and this will never be all that far from our workshop ideas. But we have expanded into other trains of thought with the Cederberg Stories Project, which began in 2013 and will continue throughout 2014.

We found the perfect book to make the transition in Peter Slingsby’s teenage novel Jedro’s Bane. The story begins in in Sederville, where many of our Clanwilliam participants live, and proceeds to the majestic mountains that are always visible form the town. The book took the concept of home right into the landscape.

From there we will be working with themes related to the mountains and those who have lived there with family histories, early people of the Cederberg, music literature and dance, plants, animals and conservation, geology and archaeology.

This will be helped and facilitated by some funding from the Government of the western Province, through the University of Cape Town and by the willing participation of experts in all of these fields.

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